Saturday, November 18, 2023

When can a B/X Cleric Raise the Dead?

Quick question for anyone reading: when can a cleric raise someone from the dead in B/X?

At first, this seems like a simple question. Raise Dead is a 5th level Cleric spell, and Clerics gain access to 5th level spells at 7th level, so a 7th level Cleric can cast Raise Dead. However, Raise Dead reads as follows:

Raise Dead spell as it appears in Expert

The interesting part here that while a 7th level Cleric can ostensibly cast Raise Dead, we are only given rules for Clerics of 8th level or higher. We are told that an 8th level Cleric can raise a body up to four days dead, and every level after 8th adds another 4 days. But what about 7th level? They are able to prepare the spell, so why aren't we told how much time they have to use it? This seems highly open to interpretation, but I've jotted down every possible ruling I could think of, sensible or otherwise:

7th level Clerics can Raise Dead regardless of how long the body has been dead.
Probably the wildest take, but a certain reading of RAW does support this. The absence of a given time limit usually implies there is none. Having said that, I don't think any reasonable DM would rule it this way, as it makes Raise Dead more powerful at 7th level then at 14th (or even 36th). 

7th level Clerics can raise a body that has been dead for up to one day.
This is probably the ruling I would make in a pinch, but there isn't any support from RAW, and it makes the time limit progression a little clunky (one day, then four, then eight, etc). 

7th level Clerics cannot cast Raise Dead.
Harsh but fair. I think the closest we can get to RAW would be to have Raise Dead able to be prepared at 7th level, but with no legal targets until reaching 8th level. Which is goofy and unsatisfying, but it's the best RAW interpretation if we don't assume there's a typography error.

7th level Clerics can raise a body up to 4 days dead, same as 8th level.
This one sort of makes sense, but if true, why is it worded the way it is? Why only mention level 8? And if it's a typo, why not use the ruling below?

It is a typo and the spell should read, "A 7th level cleric can raise... [...] For each level above 7th [...] Thus an 11th..."
I think this is pretty likely, except it's really unclear whether or not it's really a mistake. It's probably not a true typo because they get the level wrong all three times, not just once or twice. More likely is that the Cleric spell progression got messed up at some point in development, which is famously self-evident by simply looking at them. Could it be that Clerics weren't originally meant to cast 5th level Cleric spells until level 8?

It seems likely that yes, Clerics were not meant to cast 5th level spells until they had reached 8th level. Mentzer Expert actually smooths out the Cleric spell progression, and sure enough Clerics can't cast Raise Dead -- or any other 5th level Cleric spell -- until 10th level. While I don't agree with all the changes BECMI makes, the B/X cleric spell progression looks like more of a mistake than ever in lieu of reading Raise Dead.

So how does Old-School Essentials handle this? It just doesn't:

Raise Dead spell as it appears in OSE

They change the wording a little, but the same problem exists: What happens when a 7th level Cleric prepares the 5th level spell, Raise Dead? Can they cast it? What's the time limit? Because the spell wasn't changed, this oddity remains today. It's yet another reason I have some issues with OSE -- it has no problem giving the Halfling language to halflings -- after all, that's surely errata -- but then preserves other things that are very clear typos, like the Cleric progression tables. I don't even care whether OSE reproduces everything perfectly, or whether it includes errata, but instead it does this kind of weird half measure where it provides some errata, but preserves other things that were clearly typography mistakes, like the Cleric progression.


I guess Labyrinth Lord was just right all along when it came to clerics? One of the things I never liked about LL was that it changed the goofy B/X spell progression of clerics, but looking back on it, if that progression was truly a mistake that went to print, it's probably best that it is treated as such and is changed. The simpler alternative would be to errata Raise Dead, and I'm curious why OSE doesn't do that if it believes the Cleric spell progression is correct and not in need of errata. So much work went into revising the spell description, and yet this uncertainty remains.

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When can a B/X Cleric Raise the Dead?

Quick question for anyone reading: when can a cleric raise someone from the dead in B/X? At first, this seems like a simple question. Raise ...