Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Adventure Continues

My last post on this blog was on January 25, 2020. A few weeks after that day, I had my last in-person session before my state went into full lockdown. For a few months, our group transitioned to online play, but eventually we stopped playing when our lives went back to normal. I've recently decided to reboot the campaign, and have been working on it for the past few months. The goal is to provide a small pamphlet of house rules with all the information they will ever need on it. The good news is that it's coming along nicely, but the bad news is the document keeps growing. At a certain point you have to stop and ask yourself if you're just rewriting the entire system from the ground up. Right now I think my answer is still "no". I'm still using the same classes with all the same abilities, saves, spells, restrictions, etc. So at the very least, the core rulebook will be used for new character creation and level up.

The current goal is to write a document that covers everything the players would ever need to know. So instead of flipping through large rulebooks, they can flip through a small handout, only needing the rulebook to create a character or level up. Ideally, the players wouldn't need to reference anything, and can just ask the occasional question, with the rules being simple enough to remember most of the time. But if they need to look at something, I'd rather it be a short handout than a lengthy book that gets passed around.

Right now my primary focus is getting the rules solidified so we can start playing within a month or so. As soon as we start playing again, I'll start posting more content here. This new campaign is going to be a radical departure from anything I've done in the past, and I'm excited to share some of the details.

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